Te Ao Tuarua is a new project to occupy adults creating ways of making life far more easier. We plan to facilitate initiatives creating co-op and sole employment and provide resources to make money, enjoy life and be comfortable and content with the numerous ways of gaining needs, food, shelter, bill payments knowhow, safety, hygiene, to cater to health and wellbeing. We are based in Onehunga and welcome all walks of life. Be informed that one of our team is a dog. One of nga Uara we ground on is Ahurutanga - i.e.safe working spaces and attention to providing a productive creative facility. Access to our premises is a high staircase.
The idea came about because my vehicle was stolen last week so I wanted to provide a space and initiative to empower people in need. $20 can make all the difference to some person's day. It is a co-op full of aroha and caring hence two other Uara - Aroha and Kaitiakitanga. I have good ideas and projects to put into play and look forward to the joy and benefits we all get out of it. We welcome people to contribute and gain from the fulfilling achievements in store. Please do not hesitate to call Emma on 022 366 2725 or email [email protected]
The idea came about because my vehicle was stolen last week so I wanted to provide a space and initiative to empower people in need. $20 can make all the difference to some person's day. It is a co-op full of aroha and caring hence two other Uara - Aroha and Kaitiakitanga. I have good ideas and projects to put into play and look forward to the joy and benefits we all get out of it. We welcome people to contribute and gain from the fulfilling achievements in store. Please do not hesitate to call Emma on 022 366 2725 or email [email protected]